
Jun Asakawa (Hokkaido U.)
Petrography of fine-grained rim surrounding chondrule in the Acfer331 CM2 chondrite
Kenichi Bajo (Hokkaido U.)
Progress report of Laser Ionization Mass Nanoscope
Minako Hashiguchi (Hokkaido U.)
Isotopically anomalous organic matters in NWA 801 (CR2) and Murchison (CM2)
Atsuko Ishibashi (Hokkaido U.)
Development of isotopic analysis of fluid inclusions by secondary ion mass spectrometry
Noriyuki Kawasaki (Hokkaido U.)
Oxygen isotope imaging of melilite crystals in Type A CAI from Efremovka
Sachio Kobayashi (Hokkaido U.)
Presolar grain abundances in carbonaceous and ordinary chondirtes
Naoya Sakamoto (Hokkaido U.)
Stigmatic isotope imaging method for biology and cosmochemistry
Yuki Shimizu (Hokkaido U.)
Petrography of a fluffy Type A CAI of Vigarano CV3 meteorite
Shumpei Yoshimura (Hokkaido U.)
Fractionation of carbon isotopes between granitic melt and CO2-rich fluid